Knowledgebase: Reboot Restore Rx Pro
What are the limitations of the free trial of Drive Vaccine?
Posted by , Last modified by on 07 Oct 2013

Horizon DataSys is very concerned that the Customer experience with our software be a pleasant one. Therefore, we provide a free fully functioning trial period, so that you may fully evaluate our software and make an informed buying decision. You should know exactly what you're getting before you purchase.

Obviously, we have had to place some reasonable limits on this offer, and they are as follows:

  1. You may install a Free Trial once and only once on a machine. Uninstalling and reinstalling the trial copy will not reset the time period on the trial period.

  2. The free trial period is for 14 days.

  3. Once you install the software, please ensure that your testing is completed within the 2 weeks. The software cannot be re-authorized for a further trial period on that machine.

  4. The trial software is fully functional -- that is, you can do everything with it that you can with a fully licensed copy. This will allow for rigorous testing.

  5. Once the trial period is over, the software will stop working. The only options at that point are to either uninstall or activate the software by purchasing a license.

 If you have any sales related questions -> "Contact Sales"

Comments (2)
10 Dec 2013
Thank you for the explanation! Drive Vaccine is a great program, been using it for 4 years now
19 Mar 2014
I'm testing Drive Vaccine v.10.3. This version is new for me. I'll post result about it later. Thanks a lot.