Knowledgebase: RollBack Rx > Installation
How to Install RollBack Rx?
Posted by , Last modified by on 27 Sep 2013

RollBack Rx Install shield provides three setup options:

Typical setup (Recommended for most users)

Default setup will install the program with common program settings
Default setup will copy program files to the C:\program files(x86)\Shield directory
Default setup will disable the access control
Default setup will disable Windows system restore
RollBack Rx PC 'typical' setup will protect all partitions

Custom setup (Recommended for users wishing to customize program settings during setup)

Custom setup allows you to select which partitions to protect. 
Custom setup allows you to enable access control and set Administrator account's password. 
Custom setup allows you to select where to copy the program files to. 
Custom setup allows you to setup RollBack Rx on dual-boot systems.
Unattended setup (For Users wishing to setup RollBack Rx on multiple computers with same settings- Use for Deployment)

Advanced setup will read in the program settings from a configuration file. 
Advanced setup allows you to customize every aspect of the RollBack Rx. 

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