RollBack Rx Professional Edition (v11.1) and RollBack Rx Home Edition (v11.1) have changed the way the software handles Baseline Management.
Previously you would have to update your Baseline or restore to it from the Baseline Manager, but Version 11.1 streamlines the Baseline Management process.
Here's how you update your Baseline for either RollBack Rx Home Edition or RollBack Rx Professional Edition (v11.1 and higher)
1) Open up the program and navigate to your Snapshots.
2) Unlock your current Baseline by right-clicking on it and selecting 'Unlock'.
NOTE: By default, your Baseline will be labeled as 'Installation'.

3) Once unlocked, right-click again and delete the snapshot
IMPORTANT: Deleting a snapshot will also delete any and all data contained within that snapshot!
4) Your next snapshot chronologically will become the new Baseline! If there are multiple snapshots before the snapshot that you'd like as your new Baseline, you'll need to delete them as well so that the snapshot that you'd like as your Baseline is the first snapshot chronologically.

IMPORTANT: Deleted snapshots may not immediately reflect free disk space. Run the snapshot defragmenter after deleting snapshots to consolidate and reclaim disk space.
For any questions and/or comments about RollBack Rx Professional Edition, please Submit A Ticket and a Senior Technician will respond to you within 24 business hours. For any questions/comments about RollBack Rx Home Edition, please post on the Community Forum.