Is Rollback compatible with Drive Encryption software?
Posted by , Last modified by on 07 Oct 2013

Rollback may work with the Drive Encryption solutions; however the possibilities of conflict are high as both wares work at low level with the disk. Therefore, you must test the encryption software with Rollback Rx before you purchase it. 

It is worth noting: With regards to Drive encryption - why do you require this when you have RollBack Rx?  When RollBack Rx is installed your drive is automatically encrypted by RollBack Rx. Suppose your RollBack Rx protected drive has been taken out of your system and is placed as a slave drive into another system.  What would the user be able to see?  They would not be able to see any of your current data. All that they would be able to see is the data contained in your "INSTALLATION" (baseline) snapshot only. Depending on when this baseline was last updated would determine what is visible to the Windows OS file system. 

We have absolutely no control over the methods and technology used by the developers of encryption software. You must re-test the encryption software before installing any updates - a change in the technology could suddenly make it incompatible.

To test an encryption driver, first install Rollback Rx, take a baseline and then install the Encryption software. Rollback will take care of any install time problems (such as conflicts at the MBR level). Then, test the encryption software.

If there is a conflict, you can always use Rollback to restore a clean disk image.

If you have trouble installing RollBack Rx - contact Horizon DataSys technical support -> "Submit a Ticket"

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