How To Use Disk Imagers With RollBack Rx and Reboot Restore Rx
Posted by , Last modified by Jester Santos on 22 Apr 2021
As some of you may already know, we’ve ended development of Drive Cloner Rx. Despite this, we understand the needs of many to have a disk imager that can work with our various other programs. While things may be slightly different than before, there’s some exciting ways to use your favourite disk imager with RollBack Rx and Reboot Restore Rx. First off, despite many thoughts to the contrary, you can’t just simply run a disk imager with RollBack Rx or Reboot Restore Rx installed. The reason being is that there are parts of our program that are installed on your system. These components are not easily read by disk imagers, and so this creates incomplete disk images. These incomplete images will often times cause Blue Screens Of Death upon deployment. So whenever you’re running a disk imager, whether it be to clone a drive or take a backup of a system, you’ll need to disable these components so that the disk imager can see the system as it is, and create a proper disk image. Here's how to do so with each program: ROLLBACK RX PRO RollBack Rx Pro features a disable protection feature in recent builds of the software. This feature will allow you to disable the components of our software that produce incomplete disk images. Step 1) Right-click on the tray icon and click “Turn Off Protection”. IMPORTANT: Turning off protection will delete all of your snapshots and turning it back on will establish a new baseline! We recommend exploring the snapshot and retrieving important data prior to turning off protection to avoid data loss. Step 2) Run your disk imager Step 3) Once you’re done, right-click on the tray icon and turn the protection back on. ROLLBACK RX HOME The feature to disable protection is exclusive to the Pro Edition. As such, before running any disk imager with RollBack Rx Home installed, you will need to uninstall it prior to running the disk imager. You can then reinstall it once the disk imager has completed. IMPORTANT: Uninstalling RollBack Rx Home will delete all snapshots. As with RollBack Rx Pro; we recommend exploring the snapshot and retrieving important data prior to turning off protection to avoid data loss. REBOOT RESTORE RX PRO With Reboot Restore Rx Pro, there’s a couple ways you can disable the protection. The easiest way is to issue a command from the program’s free Endpoint Manager. This will disable the protection allowing you to run a disk imager. When you re-enable the protection it will create a new baseline. You can also issue a command line switch to disable protection. Our User Guide details these commands. You would need to issue a separate command to re-enable. Command Line Switches can be found in Chapter 4 of the User Guide. Finally, you can always uninstall the software and re-install once the disk imager is complete. If you’re not using the Endpoint Manager, and don't wish to use command line switches; you can always uninstall the software, run the disk imager, and then re-install. REBOOT RESTORE RX With Reboot Restore Rx, like RollBack Rx Home Edition, the only option to prepare the system for a disk imager is to uninstall the program and re-install once the disk imager is complete. UNINSTALLING If you require assistance uninstalling any of our programs, this guide details how. Should the issue persist after following the steps in this guide, please contact our Technical Support team by submitting a ticket. | |